Friday, November 1, 2013

Survival of the Sickest Chapter 3 CRAP NO

This chapter redefined skin tone and medical conditions that go hand and hand with it and sun exposure
-light skin tone developed in places with limited access to sunlight so they can more easily absorb vitamin D
-speaking of vitamin D, it's super important in helping human survival, from contributing to baby development to cell functions in adults
-cholesterol? yeah, that isn't bad for you like they make it seem, instead it's made and given by the sun, but Northern Europeans and some Africans have too much of it
-folic acid, also absorbed from the sun, is essential to proper cell division and normal body functions
-Asians tend to have the Asian flush when drinking alcohol, as opposed to Europeans who drank alcohol because it was safer than water so they evolved to better break it down
-some diseases may affect certain racial groups more than others because they adapted to different things
Well, here's the actually really fascinating micro-summary of chapter 3. Good night!
SO this post was supposed to be on Your Inner Fish. Shoot. So I read the wrong thing. Oops.
Here's Your Inner Fish.
-the ZPA, which can be affected by Vitamin A, keeps the pinky and the thumb where they should be and makes sure the digits are in working order
-everything on the planet has a Sonic Hedgehog gene, which was discovered because scientists were curious about limb development, so they of course tested on chickens
-it controls how limbs are created in three dimensional space and an error with it can result in more or less digits or other mutations involving arms and hands

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